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Readability Tests

As I have written a few time before, I am new to writing creatively – until a few days ago, I didn’t even know that there were things called readability tests.  However since discovering these tests, I thought I would “test” the full unedited version of Zetoec – my submission for NaNoWriMo 2008.

According to the Flesch Reading scale – the novel came out with a score of 100.  Apparently the style of writing is very easy – what would be normally used for a comic book (according to Flesch).  The score is heavily affected by the use (or in may case non-use of long words).  A plain english score is around 65.  I then looked at the Flesch-Kincaid Grade Level which was 1.3.  So according to this readability test a Grade 1 should be able to read the book.

Perhaps some learned writers could enlighten me on these results.  I was surprised that my writing style was so simplistic.  Perhaps all those years of writing corporate presentations in powerpoint have dimished the complexity of sentence structure and the way I use language to communicate ideas.

On another note, I have spent some time drawing up my Blavatar using those copic pens lying around in my drawer.  It was a fun way to while away some hours, and as much as I like the medium, there is still so much to learn and explore there as well.

Don’t judge a book by its cover – Day 27

Do you judge a book by its cover? I know I do sometimes, but I am more prone to be that impulsive when selecting a bottle of wine.

This month during NaNoWriMo I feel as though I put myself out there, doing some creative writing and for the first time writing a “novel” of just over 50,000 words. Some may argue that that doesn’t technically count as a novel – but hey – the illusion works for me.

So, if I could write a novel, why not pull out those cool Copic pens that have been lying around, unused forever in my drawer and put them to good use.

There are two things that I have learnt – I may never make any money out of being a novelist or an artist – but that doesn’t matter – it was absolute fun along the way!

Whatever you do, try not to judge this book by its cover!
